Cyanotype was originally used as a process for blueprints, using sunlight and paper, dating back to the 1800s. We will make a range of images providing material for book content or covers, or simply to frame as prints. We will explore the chemicals and materials best suited for this process, including an overview of how to continue the process at home. We will first prepare papers and explore simple flat objects to expose, moving on to examples of wet process and simple toning using tea and coffee to alter the colours of the image.

Workshop fee £30, plus £15 for materials.

Standard tools not needed but: I will supply both A5 and A4 sized papers to work with, you will need to bring some old pieces of glass – cheap picture frames are perfect as they have a back the right size. Bring 2 or 3 A4 or A3 sized frames. Note that the chemicals are safe to use but bring a few pairs of nitrile gloves to protect your hands and also to prevent staining. Things to bring: Nitrile gloves, An old apron and hand towel/paper towels (wear old cloths and comfy shoes that might get splashed with chemicals…), A4 – A3 glass (not UV safe! - we need the UV light) x2-3 pieces, A piece of heavy weight board backing the same size as the glass to support your work for exposure, A J cloth to wipe glass clean, Pegs or clamps to hold paper securely within glass frame, A small spray bottle for water, Scissors or shape cutters if you choose paper-based forms to work with, Cling film , Hair dryer, 2 plastic trays ie like a takeaway food container (but do not reuse for food, Black permanent marker, fine to medium ie approx. 0.5 – 0.8 tip.

Plus suitable objects/materials (objects need to sit flatly under the glass): Leaves, ferns, flower petals etc If dried you will get the outline shape, if fresh you also get some interesting chemicals reactions happening; Objects that allow for some transparency will give different shades, a solid object will give an outline as it blocks the light; Fabric - lace, light cottons etc; Papers of different density - you can create collage effects using just paper and or fabrics; Threads, cord, ribbon, buttons, coins and so forth.


Date: 12 July 2025

Time: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm

Cost: £45


Kelsall Community Centre
Chester Rd
United Kingdom 

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