East Anglia proper comprises Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex, but our members also come from Bedfordshire, eastern Northamptonshire and northern Hertfordshire. There is a lively programme of workshops, usually at least seven a year, held in the village hall of the Cambridgeshire village of Linton (CB21 4JS), which is more or less the geographical centre of the region, on Saturdays. Our year begins with the AGM and a social gathering in January, that includes a mini-supplier’s fair, a bring-and-buy table, a show-and-tell table, a lunch, and a talk.
The current fees for workshop attendance are £25 for members and £35 for non-members, rising to £35/£45 from February 2024, or £5 to attend as an observer. Materials are charged extra. Numbers are limited to a maximum of 15 participants, and on the rare occasions when this is exceeded, we keep a waiting list.
We also publish a local newsletter, The Single Fold, at least three times a year. At present this is distributed as a PDF file by email.